Welcome to the consultation website for proposals to develop new student homes near Meadowbank in Edinburgh.
Developers of the proposals Primer II Edinburgh Ltd, a venture by Primus Property Group and their partners, are at the forefront of creating high-quality purpose-built student accommodation across the UK. They have multiple projects under active construction, and pride themselves in delivering high quality attractive buildings that stand the test of time.
As part of the consent process, we are gathering important feedback on the proposals from the local community.
First consultation event
The first public consultation event will be held on Wednesday 13th of November.
At Willowbrae Parish Church, 1 Willowbrae Road, Edinburgh, EH8 7DB
Second consultation event
The second public consultation event will be held on Wednesday 4th December.
At Willowbrae Parish Church, 1 Willowbrae Road, Edinburgh, EH8 7DB
The need for the development
The site of the proposed development is 25 Jock’s Lodge which is currently occupied by a piecemeal mixture of former commercial and light industrial buildings that are currently being used as a bar with a small section of disused retail frontage. The proposed development has been designed to take into account the characteristics of the site and the surrounding context to deliver a high quality, new building and contribute to the vibrancy of the area.
Edinburgh City Council published its City Plan 2030 in June 2024 – a Local Development Plan setting out how the city will develop sustainably over the next 10 years. There is recognition that purpose-built student accommodation delivered at the right scale and in the right location can create sustainable communities.
There is a large student population in Edinburgh and the higher and further education institutions contribute significantly to Edinburgh’s success as a city. This contributes to a high demand for housing in the city. Providing purpose-built student accommodation can help to relieve pressure on the private rental sector. Students also provide socio-economic benefits to a community with the increased use of amenities and facilities in the area and enhanced diversity.
What is being proposed?
The design of the proposed Primer Edinburgh student residence development has taken into consideration some of the comments raised by the public and the Council during consultation for the adjacent Alumno student residence which has been consented.
The proposals feature:
A 7-storey building with 2 partial lower ground floors facing Restalrig Rd South, offering 361 student rooms in a mix of studios and cluster flats. The height is in keeping with the adjacent consented development and other buildings nearby.
A commercial unit, managed by the student accommodation operators, is being considered which could be used as a shared space with the local community.
The design incorporates raingardens to manage rainwater and alleviate pressure on the existing drainage systems. It also enhances the biodiversity within the development.
Ample provision for bicycles is included to encourage active travel and help to create a green neighbourhood.
The consultation
We are seeking feedback on the Primer Edinburgh proposals from the local community which will be used to inform the design of the proposed development.
The initial proposals have been discussed with the City of Edinburgh Council planning department, as part of their formal pre-application process.
Consultation materials are available to view on this website from Tuesday 12 November 2024. You can view the consultation materials here and provide feedback using our online feedback form until 10 December 2024.
You can provide your feedback here.
Consultation events are taking place where you can view the consultation materials in person, speak to the project team and provide feedback. These are drop-in events so come at a time that suits you.
Consultation Event 1:
Wednesday 13 November 2024, 4pm to 8pm, Willowbrae Parish Church, 1 Willowbrae Road, Edinburgh, EH8 7DB.
We welcome your feedback at this event.
Consultation event 2:
Wednesday 4 December 2024, 2pm to 6pm, Willowbrae Parish Church, 1 Willowbrae Road, Edinburgh, EH8 7DB.
We will share how feedback received so far has been taken into consideration. However, we welcome further feedback until 10 December 2024.
You can also send feedback by 10th December 2024 via:
Emailing PrimerEdinburghpbsa@aecom.com
Writing to Primer Edinburgh PBSA Consultation, c/o AECOM, 1 Tanfield, Edinburgh, EH3 5DA.
Please note that comments made directly to Primer II Edinburgh Ltd, Primus Property Group, or their partners, as part of this consultation are not representations to Edinburgh City Council. There will be an opportunity for you to make representations on any resultant application to Edinburgh City Council.